Friday, August 12, 2011

Gallstones and Gallbladder Flush

There are generally 2 types of gallstone: cholesterol or pigment stones. It is believed that >80% of gallstones are caused by excessive cholesterol in the bile.

Gallstones can be easily diagnosed using an ultrasound scan. Most gallstones are diagnosed incidentally while doing ultrasound scan for screening or other purposes, as most gallstones do not produce any symptoms. When they do, the most common symptoms they produce is pain at the right upper region of the abdomen which may radiate to the right shoulder, especially after a fatty meal.

The stones can irritate the gallbladder and cause inflammation of the gallbladder referred to as "cholecystitis". Sometimes the stone can pass through the bile duct and get trapped half way. It will result in severe pain and jaundice (yellow eyes & skin). If left untreated, serious complication such as pancreatitis can occur. Both these two conditions are common gallbladder disorders and need emergency surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy).

     Gallbladder at your right upper abdomen

If you find out that you have gallstones and you still have not experience any symptoms, then usually nothing need to be done. Some doctors may recommend surgery to remove the gallbladder straight away as when problems arise, surgery will have higher risk. Other doctors may recommend medication such as ursodeoxycholic acid to dissolve the cholesterol stones. However, this drug is not commonly given nowadays as it takes many years to dissolve the stones and the stone may reform after that.

If you have gallstones with no symptoms or only mild infrequent discomfort, you may want to try an alternative treatment called gallbladder flush. This method is not 100% effective and it depends on how well you follow the plan.

There are many version of gallbladder flush available, but their principle are almost the same. Here is an example.

2-4 weeks before:
Eat healthy diet rich in fruits & vegetables, with no meat and no refined food. Make sure there is no constipation.

Day 1-5:
Continue with the healthy diet. Drink at least 2 glasses of apple juice a day. 

Day 5:
Do not eat anything after lunch. Take 1 teaspoon of epsom salts at 4pm and then another teaspoon at 6pm.
From 8pm, take 15ml of olive oil mixed with 15ml of lemon juice every 15 minutes for 8 times (total 120ml of olive oil & 150ml of lemon juice taken in 2 hours time).
Then go to bed lying on your right side with right knee bend.

Day 6-7:
You may pass out greenish/yellowish stones if successful. To confirm it, just see your doctor to do an ultrasound scan.


Plenty of fruits and vegetables help to cleanse the bowel in preparation for the stones to pass out. Apples are rich in malic acid which can help to soften or break the cholesterol gallstones. Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate helps to relax smooth muscle within the bile ducts so that the stones can pass through easily. Olive oil will make the gallbladder contract forcefully to flush out the stones, while lemon juice just make the olive oil better to drink.

There is a possibility that the stones may trapped halfway and causes pain which may need intervention by doctors. Other than this, gallbladder flush is a safe practice for healthy adults. Even if it is not successful, your body will still benefit from a few weeks of healthy diet.

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